Auteur: <span>Mai Nguyen</span>

Meet the Artist: Perry Gits

Award-winning theatre maker and performance artist Perry Gits will be our curator for the 3rd edition Pornfilmnight: The Non-Heteronormative Edition, on the 1st of December. This time with a special focus on intersectionality and non-Western narratives. We were curious what drives Perry, so we gave him a call.    Hello Perry! […]


On the 1st of December House of CT proudly presents the 3rd edition of Pornfilmnight: The Non-Heteronormative edition with Perry Gits as our curator, with a special focus on intersectionality and non-Western narratives. The night promises a thought provoking, steamy and juicy multidisciplinary art experience, bringing together cinema, performance arts […]


“I feel like color is the most important thing in life. You feel me? Getting to understand color and using them in whatever way you want. When I was a little kid, my mom used to dress me in different colors. Sometimes she would dress me in an orange shirt […]


“Kunst heeft voor mij een heel nieuwe betekenis gekregen sinds ik in Amsterdam ben gaan wonen. Ik ben in 2020 naar Amsterdam verhuisd vanuit Haarlem. Ik kom uit een voornamelijk witte omgeving en toen ik in het Compagnietheater kwam voor Afrovism vond ik het heel mooi om te zien wat […]